In January, word came that Fr. Joseph Webb had died in Williamsburg, Virginia. Many of you may not have known Reverend Webb, but it was his work as the rector of the Chapel of the Holy Comforter that led to the founding of the Assistance Center of Towson Churches.
Back in the 1970’s Joe had gotten about eight of the churches in Lutherville to join in contributing to a food pantry that also provided some emergency cash assistance, which was run out of his church. By the mid 1980’s that ministry had grown to the point that it was taking too much of the time of Joe and his secretary, Peggy.
At that point, Joe brought his concern for this ministry to the Towson Area Ministerial Association (TAMA). After several meetings it was decided that all the TAMA churches would join in this ministry, and move it into central Towson, to its current location, to be nearer to the Department of Social Services, which at that time was in the Investment Building (now the Towson City Center building).
What made Joe such a special mentor for me was his grace-filled generosity. He told me one day, “When people come to the pantry, I am pretty much going to give them whatever they ask for, within reason, but, then I always listen to their stories, even if I don’t believe the story to be true. I do this because their story is theirs and it may be the only thing that they have to share. So, I let them talk, and I respect what they have brought to share with me.” I always loved Joe’s passion for in-person caring. I hope that we will continue his faithfulness in this ministry.
Fred Weimert